Physical Therapist Designed 6 Week Beginner Strength Training Program
My clients are often confused where to go once they get out of pain. Strength training through progressive overload is probably the most effective way to train our bodies to become more resilient to stress and to build longevity this program is written from the ground up, using minimal equipment, to rebuild efficient movement the first 3 weeks start with basic and ground based movements to begin building a pattern of exercise without over stressing a beginner’s body, which often happens when introducing a new stress like exercise the next 3 weeks begin introducing light strength training to begin the process of becoming more resilient so you won’t have to fear movement or feel vulnerable to injury.
Bonus material includes a video to educate on a basic framework for training/rehab (spoiler: there’s no magic bullet) and basic recommendation for getting good sleep and clear, concise basic diet recommendations.
A physical therapist designed 6 week program to safely build functional strength from the ground up